Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Change Of Address

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
I am taking a little Hiatus from blogging until after graduation the first week of June. I've just been so busy lately and had so many other things going on, that I just don't feel like I can devote the time I'd like to make this blog what I want it to be. So, I am going to take a little break for a few weeks and then come back as summer starts, fully ready to make my blog the best it can be. I hope you all understand and I hope that everyone will still be here when I come back. I'll still be reading all of your blogs, as I am addicted and I could never stop reading, but I won't be posting for a little while. Sometimes we just need a break. Thanks for understanding, au revoir! See you in June!

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Soft Opening, One Week Late
So, finally, I'm posting the pictures of my outfit from the soft opening of my dad's new restaurant, The Hofbrau, last Saturday. So, only one week late, not too bad, right? I already posted some pictures from the night, the night I forgot to take pictures of and had to steal from facebook, but I never posted any of my outfit. Actually, I haven't done a proper outfit post in a week. Oops, sorry. Lot's going on lately in Kaitlin's life. But what better time than Saturday before heading out with friends?
I really loved this outfit. At first, I felt really self-concious in the tight fitting skirt with the open back. I mean, usually, I don't dress with sex-appeal in mind. But that night, I wore the tight skirt, open back, red lips and after awhile I actually started to feel good about the outfit. And I got some numbers, 3 to be exact, so maybe it's not so bad, eh? Overall, the night was fantastic, tons and tons of fun and I ended up really loving the outfit. I felt like it was perfect for that night, and who knows, maybe I"ll try something like this again next time I go out.
Oh and I got my mint green polish. I had to be super patient, as it took forever, but I got this lovely color at Forever 21 for $2.80. Just another reason to love F21. I've gotten tons of compliments on it, and it's so nice to tell everyone I only paid 3 bucks. Thanks again, F21.
Shirt: F21
Skirt: Victoria's Secret
Heels: F21
Belt: Target

I really loved this outfit. At first, I felt really self-concious in the tight fitting skirt with the open back. I mean, usually, I don't dress with sex-appeal in mind. But that night, I wore the tight skirt, open back, red lips and after awhile I actually started to feel good about the outfit. And I got some numbers, 3 to be exact, so maybe it's not so bad, eh? Overall, the night was fantastic, tons and tons of fun and I ended up really loving the outfit. I felt like it was perfect for that night, and who knows, maybe I"ll try something like this again next time I go out.

Oh and I got my mint green polish. I had to be super patient, as it took forever, but I got this lovely color at Forever 21 for $2.80. Just another reason to love F21. I've gotten tons of compliments on it, and it's so nice to tell everyone I only paid 3 bucks. Thanks again, F21.
Shirt: F21
Skirt: Victoria's Secret
Heels: F21
Belt: Target
nail polish,
soft opening,
tight skirts,
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The Past Few Days
Whew, it's been a busy few days. I feel like the weekend didn't stop until today when I had to go back to work. But I'm definitely not complaining, I've been having a blast. So much has happened, I don't even know how to catch up. I've got some pictures to share with you from the weekend, and my visit to a friend's ranch yesterday.
I'll start from the beginning, Saturday night was the opening of the Hofbrau, the restaurant/bar my dad invested in and we all went for the grand opening party. It was soo much fun. It's a really great place, I think it's going to be a success. I won't go into too much detail about the night, but it was crazy and ended around 2 AM Sunday morning. The best kind of Saturday night, right?

I'm now realizing I could've taken many more pictures of this, but I was too busy enjoying myself and sometimes you just have to put away the camera. Anyway, Sunday was my little sister's 14th birthday. We went to dinner with the family to celebrate and she got a baby red footed tortoise for her birthday. We named her Bella and I'm so in love with her I almost want to go get a tortoise for myself!

Yesterday, my mom and I headed out early in the morning to a friend's ranch for lunch and just to enjoy the day together. It was so beautiful and the weather was perfect. We sat around on the porch, next to a little man-made fish pond and listened to the sound of the water, eating tuna sandwiches, fruit, chocolate chip cookies and lots of tea. We went for a little walk and took lots of pictures. I won't post them all because I got carried away, but I will share a few of my favorites because it was so beautiful. I absolutely love being out in nature and I've been missing being on my ranch so much, it was so great to get to go out to our friend's and get a little taste of it. But I'm going to mine at the end of the month and I CAN'T WAIT! Sooo excited!

I hope you all had a great weekend, and a good start to the week. It's almost another weekend, wooo! Tomorrow I'll try to recreate my outfit from Saturday night and post it on here. I really liked it, and realized when it was too late that I never remembered to take outfit pictures.
I'll start from the beginning, Saturday night was the opening of the Hofbrau, the restaurant/bar my dad invested in and we all went for the grand opening party. It was soo much fun. It's a really great place, I think it's going to be a success. I won't go into too much detail about the night, but it was crazy and ended around 2 AM Sunday morning. The best kind of Saturday night, right?

I'm now realizing I could've taken many more pictures of this, but I was too busy enjoying myself and sometimes you just have to put away the camera. Anyway, Sunday was my little sister's 14th birthday. We went to dinner with the family to celebrate and she got a baby red footed tortoise for her birthday. We named her Bella and I'm so in love with her I almost want to go get a tortoise for myself!

Yesterday, my mom and I headed out early in the morning to a friend's ranch for lunch and just to enjoy the day together. It was so beautiful and the weather was perfect. We sat around on the porch, next to a little man-made fish pond and listened to the sound of the water, eating tuna sandwiches, fruit, chocolate chip cookies and lots of tea. We went for a little walk and took lots of pictures. I won't post them all because I got carried away, but I will share a few of my favorites because it was so beautiful. I absolutely love being out in nature and I've been missing being on my ranch so much, it was so great to get to go out to our friend's and get a little taste of it. But I'm going to mine at the end of the month and I CAN'T WAIT! Sooo excited!

I hope you all had a great weekend, and a good start to the week. It's almost another weekend, wooo! Tomorrow I'll try to recreate my outfit from Saturday night and post it on here. I really liked it, and realized when it was too late that I never remembered to take outfit pictures.
baby sister,
baby tortoises,
Friday, April 30, 2010
The Uniform Project
I've got an outfit post coming later today, I promise, but I just wanted to share this little project with you if you don't already know about it. I wish I would've come across this a lot sooner and been able to follow it through the whole year, but it's still amazing to look through and see all of the outfits. Okay, right get to what I'm actually talking about, The Uniform Project. It was described so well on the website, that I'll just re-post that here for you to get the whole idea. But definitely go check out the website and look through some of the outfits when you've got nothing to do for an hour or so. It's absolutely amazing. I mean, this girl is wearing the same dress everyday for a year and she STILL looks better than you nearly everyday.
The Idea
Starting May 2009, I have pledged to wear one dress for one year as an exercise in sustainable fashion. Here’s how it works: There are 7 identical dresses, one for each day of the week. Every day I will reinvent the dress with layers, accessories and all kinds of accouterments, the majority of which will be vintage, hand-made, or hand-me-down goodies. Think of it as wearing a daily uniform with enough creative license to make it look like I just crawled out of the Marquis de Sade's boudoir.
The Uniform Project is also a year-long fundraiser for the Akanksha Foundation, a grassroots movement that is revolutionizing education in India. At the end of the year, all contributions will go toward Akanksha’s School Project to fund uniforms and other educational expenses for children living in Indian slums.
The Story of Uniforms
I was raised and schooled in India where uniforms were a mandate in most public schools. Despite the imposed conformity, kids always found a way to bend the rules and flaunt a little personality. Boys rolled up their sleeves, wore over-sized swatches, and hiked up their pants to show off their high-tops. Girls obsessed over bangles, bindis and bad hairdos. Peaking through the sea of uniforms were the idiosyncrasies of teen style and individual flare. I now want to put the same rules to test again, only this time I'm trading in the catholic school fervor for an eBay addiction and relocating the school walls to this wonderful place called the internet.
The Dress
How do you design a dress that can be worn all year around? The mastermind behind the uniform dress is my friend and designer, Eliza Starbuck. We took inspiration from one of my staple dresses, improving upon the shape and fit to add on some seasonal versatility. The dress is designed so it can be worn both ways, front and back, and also as an open tunic. It’s made from a durable, breathable cotton, good for New York summers and good for layering in cooler seasons. With deep hidden pockets to appease my deep aversion for carrying purses. More photos of the dress and the dressmaking process coming soon to the Uniform Blog.
The Accessories
The hats and plumes, the dickeys and drapes, the shoes and slips, the belts and brooches – much of what you will see are byproducts of my cyber-slacking on eBay and Etsy, backed by visits to the many local vintage boutiques, thrift stores and flea markets of New York. I am also collaborating with other designers and friends to create original pieces.
Today is actually the last day of the project, so all 365 outfits are available for your viewing pleasure. And it's definitely worth the time. I'm posting a few of my favorites in this post, one from each month of the project. Definitely go check them all out, it's totally inspiring!
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010

The Idea
Starting May 2009, I have pledged to wear one dress for one year as an exercise in sustainable fashion. Here’s how it works: There are 7 identical dresses, one for each day of the week. Every day I will reinvent the dress with layers, accessories and all kinds of accouterments, the majority of which will be vintage, hand-made, or hand-me-down goodies. Think of it as wearing a daily uniform with enough creative license to make it look like I just crawled out of the Marquis de Sade's boudoir.
The Uniform Project is also a year-long fundraiser for the Akanksha Foundation, a grassroots movement that is revolutionizing education in India. At the end of the year, all contributions will go toward Akanksha’s School Project to fund uniforms and other educational expenses for children living in Indian slums.
The Story of Uniforms
I was raised and schooled in India where uniforms were a mandate in most public schools. Despite the imposed conformity, kids always found a way to bend the rules and flaunt a little personality. Boys rolled up their sleeves, wore over-sized swatches, and hiked up their pants to show off their high-tops. Girls obsessed over bangles, bindis and bad hairdos. Peaking through the sea of uniforms were the idiosyncrasies of teen style and individual flare. I now want to put the same rules to test again, only this time I'm trading in the catholic school fervor for an eBay addiction and relocating the school walls to this wonderful place called the internet.
The Dress
How do you design a dress that can be worn all year around? The mastermind behind the uniform dress is my friend and designer, Eliza Starbuck. We took inspiration from one of my staple dresses, improving upon the shape and fit to add on some seasonal versatility. The dress is designed so it can be worn both ways, front and back, and also as an open tunic. It’s made from a durable, breathable cotton, good for New York summers and good for layering in cooler seasons. With deep hidden pockets to appease my deep aversion for carrying purses. More photos of the dress and the dressmaking process coming soon to the Uniform Blog.
The Accessories
The hats and plumes, the dickeys and drapes, the shoes and slips, the belts and brooches – much of what you will see are byproducts of my cyber-slacking on eBay and Etsy, backed by visits to the many local vintage boutiques, thrift stores and flea markets of New York. I am also collaborating with other designers and friends to create original pieces.
Today is actually the last day of the project, so all 365 outfits are available for your viewing pleasure. And it's definitely worth the time. I'm posting a few of my favorites in this post, one from each month of the project. Definitely go check them all out, it's totally inspiring!

Shoo-shoo Shoo-shoo Shoo-shoo Sugar Town
It's finally the weekend! Eeee! I'm so ready. I've got lots planned for this weekend. Tonight is my best friend's birthday, Happy Birthday, Jess! Then tomorrow it's work (yeah, not exciting I know) then I'm going to a soft opening of a restaurant/bar my dad invested in and I can't wait. Tons of our friends/family are coming in tonight to attend the opening and stay with us for the weekend. I love having a house full of fun people and a great big party to look forward to every night. These are the best kinds of weekends. What do all of you have planned for the next few days?
So today I'm wearing jeans, for only the second time on this blog, and probably on the second time in about 4 or 5 months. Wow, dang, I didn't even realize how long it's actually been. But lately, I've gotta say, I'm loving denim in all forms, including jeans. I've been lusting after several pairs of jeans, so you can expect to start seeing some more jeans on this blog because I'm sort of falling in love again, it's been too long. The blouse I'm wearing in this post, I bought back in January or February at F21 and then forgot about it. It's been sitting in my closet for months, tags still intact, just waiting for a spring day for me to pluck it off the hanger, rip off the tags and take it out. Unfortunately, I just completely forgot he existed. But I found him this morning and apologized and he agreed to forgive me as long as I wore him and posted him on the blog today. I decided to add some socks and opened toed shoes to make the outfit feel a little more exciting. It's funny how much I love this trend because if you had mentioned this to me about 6 or 8 months ago, I would've called you crazy. Now, I can't get enough of this. I'm buying socks like never before, and I used to HATE socks.
I was also pleasantly surprised as while I was waiting on my photos to upload, I browsed through a couple of blogs and looked at one of my favorites, Kaitlin of Buffalo Stance, and found that we're sort of outfit twins today. YES! High five to myself. She's one of my favorite bloggers and I love her style so I had to give myself a little pat on the back for being so Buffalo Stance-esqe in getting dressed today. Her outfit is sort of the edgier, risk-taking sister of my goody 2 shoes girly outfit. (And we have the same name, so super twins?)
Oh and one more thing before I go, have a lovely weekend! I'll do a big post on Sunday night or Monday about all the festivities. Au revoir!
Blouse: F21
Jeans: Thrifted (F21 from Buffalo Exchange, gotta love that.)
Socks: Shopping in Mom's closet
Wedges: Target (in reality, I stole these from my friend for a weekend and decided to never give 'em back, sucksss if she reads this.)
The title of my post, the song I've been listening to all day while doing laundry. Puts you in such a good mood. Have a listen! (Sort of She & Him sounding, no?)

So today I'm wearing jeans, for only the second time on this blog, and probably on the second time in about 4 or 5 months. Wow, dang, I didn't even realize how long it's actually been. But lately, I've gotta say, I'm loving denim in all forms, including jeans. I've been lusting after several pairs of jeans, so you can expect to start seeing some more jeans on this blog because I'm sort of falling in love again, it's been too long. The blouse I'm wearing in this post, I bought back in January or February at F21 and then forgot about it. It's been sitting in my closet for months, tags still intact, just waiting for a spring day for me to pluck it off the hanger, rip off the tags and take it out. Unfortunately, I just completely forgot he existed. But I found him this morning and apologized and he agreed to forgive me as long as I wore him and posted him on the blog today. I decided to add some socks and opened toed shoes to make the outfit feel a little more exciting. It's funny how much I love this trend because if you had mentioned this to me about 6 or 8 months ago, I would've called you crazy. Now, I can't get enough of this. I'm buying socks like never before, and I used to HATE socks.
I was also pleasantly surprised as while I was waiting on my photos to upload, I browsed through a couple of blogs and looked at one of my favorites, Kaitlin of Buffalo Stance, and found that we're sort of outfit twins today. YES! High five to myself. She's one of my favorite bloggers and I love her style so I had to give myself a little pat on the back for being so Buffalo Stance-esqe in getting dressed today. Her outfit is sort of the edgier, risk-taking sister of my goody 2 shoes girly outfit. (And we have the same name, so super twins?)

Oh and one more thing before I go, have a lovely weekend! I'll do a big post on Sunday night or Monday about all the festivities. Au revoir!
Blouse: F21
Jeans: Thrifted (F21 from Buffalo Exchange, gotta love that.)
Socks: Shopping in Mom's closet
Wedges: Target (in reality, I stole these from my friend for a weekend and decided to never give 'em back, sucksss if she reads this.)
blog twins,
happy birthday best friend,
Thursday, April 29, 2010
I'm Not Dead
FINALLY! It's here! The long awaited outfit post. I ended up going into work yesterday even though I was supposed to have the day off, so I wasn't able to get around to posting my outfit on here. Sorry, guys. But a promise is a promise, so today, I have an outfit post! And hey, better late than never right?

Yes, I took these at the mall outside of Nordstrom. I'm awesome.
I've been so absent from the blog lately, it feels like the awkward few minutes of that coffee date you planned with your friend you haven't seen in a month after you ran into each other and decided you needed to "catch up." It's like, umm soo, I've got so much to tell you and now that we're face to face, I have no idea what to say. So I suppose I'll just jump right in and talk about my outfit, eh? I mean, this is a style blog so when all else fails...
I wore this outfit to go get a MUCH NEEDED haircut. Seriously, my current facebook status: "Kaitlin Cooper is having a bad hair day, everday." That's when you know you've gotta do something about your hair, and yes I just wrote out my facebook status for you on this blog. Embarrassing? Yeah, kinda. Anyway, I went and got my hair cut, as you might notice from my pictures (I'm in love with it.) and then my sister and I headed to the mall since I haven't been to F21 in ages. And ages for me is like 3 weeks, but hey, that's a long time for an addict. I got some really cute stuff I can't wait to share! But, my outfit, right, I'm all over the place. I'm kind of really really in love with this outfit today, mainly because if it was possible to carry on a serious relationship with an item of clothing, I'd be moving in with this dress right about now. I've been wearing it non-stop lately and it looks good EVERY WAY! I especially liked this outfit though, because the dress is pretty girly, and I feel like the bike shorts and the belt make it a little more edgy. This outfit pretty much sums up my style, it's definitely a "go-to outfit" of sorts for me.
Wellll, now that I've written a huge awkward paragraph sort of about nothing, I find I have nothing left to say. So.. goodbye blog world. It's good to be back. See ya tomorrow! (I think...)
Dress: Urban Outfitters
Cardigan: Target
Bike Shorts: Target (online only)
Belt: Vintage
Oxfords: Aldo

Yes, I took these at the mall outside of Nordstrom. I'm awesome.

I've been so absent from the blog lately, it feels like the awkward few minutes of that coffee date you planned with your friend you haven't seen in a month after you ran into each other and decided you needed to "catch up." It's like, umm soo, I've got so much to tell you and now that we're face to face, I have no idea what to say. So I suppose I'll just jump right in and talk about my outfit, eh? I mean, this is a style blog so when all else fails...
I wore this outfit to go get a MUCH NEEDED haircut. Seriously, my current facebook status: "Kaitlin Cooper is having a bad hair day, everday." That's when you know you've gotta do something about your hair, and yes I just wrote out my facebook status for you on this blog. Embarrassing? Yeah, kinda. Anyway, I went and got my hair cut, as you might notice from my pictures (I'm in love with it.) and then my sister and I headed to the mall since I haven't been to F21 in ages. And ages for me is like 3 weeks, but hey, that's a long time for an addict. I got some really cute stuff I can't wait to share! But, my outfit, right, I'm all over the place. I'm kind of really really in love with this outfit today, mainly because if it was possible to carry on a serious relationship with an item of clothing, I'd be moving in with this dress right about now. I've been wearing it non-stop lately and it looks good EVERY WAY! I especially liked this outfit though, because the dress is pretty girly, and I feel like the bike shorts and the belt make it a little more edgy. This outfit pretty much sums up my style, it's definitely a "go-to outfit" of sorts for me.

Wellll, now that I've written a huge awkward paragraph sort of about nothing, I find I have nothing left to say. So.. goodbye blog world. It's good to be back. See ya tomorrow! (I think...)
Dress: Urban Outfitters
Cardigan: Target
Bike Shorts: Target (online only)
Belt: Vintage
Oxfords: Aldo
baby sister,
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