I hate to say it, but I believe it's getting to be that time. The time to buy a bathing suit. Honestly, bathing suits and I have a long history of not getting along too well. Having the complexion of Edward Scissorhands all my life, wearing a bathing suit is not my favorite thing to do. I always end up terribly burned all over my entire body or get called Casper by all of my friends. Despite all of this, however, I do enjoy buying bathing suits, since I enjoy buying any item of clothing for any reason at any time. I've been browsing Modcloth lately to find a suit I might like and I've found a few that I might be able to get along with, for a few months at least. I thought, since I've been neglecting blogging lately, I'd share some of the more agreeable ones with you readers. Enjoy!
My absolute favorite that I want so much! Zen Garden Two Piece
Retro Sailor Monokini
Some Like It Hot One Piece There are also several others from Urban Outfitters I like, one of which I will probably get as it will be more in my price range, but these, especially the Zen Garden Two Piece are to die for. I can dream, can't I? And completely unrelated to bathing suits, someone buy me
this, please? I'd be your best friend forever and ever. And ever.
I want that Zen Garden two piece too! Ugh, it's so gorgeous! I really really need a new swim suit this season. Something more covered up and vintagey like these ones!