This is the outfit I wore last night to the movie. And I have a confession, truth be told, I just wore this outfit this week! I never really do that, I usually wait quite awhile to reware an outfit and when I do, I change it up so that it doesn't seem like I'm wearing the exact same thing because I feel like that's boring. However, this time, I was so in love with this outfit, especially the skirt and that's one of my favorite cardigans and I felt the crazy mix of patterns was appropriate for Alice in Wonderland, hehe.

Cardigan & Skirt - F21
T-shirt, Tight, Flats - Target

That's all for today. Happy weekend! I shall end with the magnificent trailer for Alice.
I have that skirt! :) As, I'm sure, so do thousands of other girls...haha. I love the way you styled it<3 and from what I've read from your blog so far, it is already lovely...can't wait to see/hear more! :D