Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Just a quick post before I head out to work for the day. I've recently seen a lot about Chanel's mint green nail polish and now I'm in desperate need of this color. However, I'm not too excited about spending a whopping $25 for nail polish. I've gotta be on the look out for a cheaper version of this color. If any of you know where this can be found, please let me know ASAP. Have a fabulous Wednesday!


  1. i'll check when i go to work today! our nail polish is only five dollars..
    you could also always buy some green polish and white polish, mix them together, and make your own mintt

  2. I know - I hear you! I love the color.. but I'm thinking like $4 for some nail polish.. haha!

  3. I have been looking for a similar lower priced color for awhile.

    the two that I think came close are both from OPI
    Jade is the new black- Hong Kong Collection
    Go on Green- Normal color
