Ah, Saturday. Unlike most people, I dread Saturday all week due to the fact that I have to work the entire day and am completely exhausted by the end of the day. I guess you could say that Saturdays are sort of my Mondays, which is so incredibly wrong. But luckily, I got ready early this morning and had time to drive to the park this morning and get these shots of my outfit. I'm really happy with how they turned out. I felt like the park was the perfect place because I felt like such a little girl in those socks, with big bows on my shoes in a frilly dress. Sometimes I really miss being a kid, those were the days.

This outfit was created due to the fact that Alice was still on my mind. This is the first time I've actually worn this dress since the dressing room in Target because I never really knew how to wear it. I knew I loved it because it's my favorite color and it's so pretty and girly, but I just didn't know how to make it into an outfit. I loved Alice's blue dress and little socks and when I got home this outfit popped into my head. I felt like Alice in Wonderland all day and it made work a little better, hehehe.
Work today was rather brutal. I'm a receptionist at a hair salon and today we had a million girls coming in for up-do's for prom, as well as a wedding. I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off from 11-7. Ughhh. Everywhere I turned there was someone asking me to do something or a phone ringing or a dish to wash or towels to fold...you get the idea. I'm totally ready to chill tonight cooking dinner and playing a little Wii. And lucky for me, I've got tomorrow off! That never happens. I'm hoping for a nice sunny day so I can take my pictures for the weardrobe spring break contest. I've got some pretty good ideas, I'm excited.

Cardigan: Thrifted
Belt, Shoes, Socks: Target
Dress: Rodarte for Target
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