My outfit today is definitely not the most exciting one I've ever worn. It took quite awhile for me to decide what to wear today. I think I'm in a sort of style rut due to the fact that it's March and spring is so close. It's not cold enough to bundle up, but it's not sunny enough or warm enough to run around in sun dresses sans tights. It's been so dreary outside I don't even really want to dress up, I'd rather wear sweats and a t-shirt and stay cuddled up on my couch with a pot of tea and watch my favorite movies. But I must get dressed, so today I went for this little gray ensemble and added the magenta tights to match the hint of magenta in the floral pattern of the dress I'm wearing. (Yes, it's actually one of my favorite dresses that I turned into a top.)

Now I'm off to watch one of my all time favorite movies, Inglourious Basterds (more morbidness) while I make Rainbow Cupcakes for tonight. Seeing as it is Monday, tonight a few friends will come over to eat dessert and watch Jack Bauer kick some ass on 24. It's the greatest show on television, second only to my one true love, Criminal Minds. Seriously, if you don't watch 24, I highly suggest picking up the first season and having it on hand for a rainy day. It's incredibly addciting and amazingly wonderful. And speaking of Inglourious Basterds, CONGRATULATIONS CHRISTOPH WALTZ!, you totally deserved it, you did an incredible job as The Jew Hunter.

Dress & Flats: Charlotte Russe
Tights: Target
Skirt: Forever 21
P.S. I just looked back over this post and looked at that last photo.. sorry about my terribly unattractive/embarrassing face. My sister made me laugh. Hahaha, wowww..
Very cute! Especially for a transition from winter to spring! I definitely hear you on the challenge.. I'm just ready to wear all of my spring items!